
This article contains general advice only and is not a substitute for medical advice.  Always seek a professional health care opinion.


West Nile fever is a viral disease caused by the West Nile virus. It is transmitted by mosquitos between humans and animals and can be fatal in horses and birds.

Where does it occur?

Until recently, West Nile virus outbreaks were limited to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and West Asia. However, reports in the western world are increasing and a rare subtype of the mosquito virus (Kunjin) has been found in northern and western Australia.

Countries where West Nile fever have been reported

What are the symptoms of West Nile fever?

West Nile virus symptoms are difficult to diagnose and in 80% of cases, display no symptoms at all. If symptoms do show, they display as mild flu. 20% of West Nile virus sufferers will develop West Nile fever symptoms which include:

  • fever

  • headache

  • fatigue

  • body aches

  • vomiting

  • skin rash

  • swollen lymph glands 

What causes West Nile fever?

14 mosquito types carry the West Nile virus, but birds are the natural hosts. A mosquito becomes infected when it bites an infected bird. The virus travels to its salivary glands and is injected into a new host–human or animal–with the mosquito’s next bite.

How do you prevent West Nile fever?

With no human vaccine, the best way to prevent it is to avoid a bite. Aerogard insect repellents can help prevent bites.

  1. Banish breeding grounds
    Mosquitos breed in stagnant water. Remove or clean water containers and keep your swimming pool clean. If you have a pond, get fish–they feed on larvae.

  2. Mosquito-proof your property
    Mortein mosquito killer products will help keep vectors away. In addition to mosquito killer products, place fly screens on windows and doors for extra protection.

  3. Don't dress to attract arthropods
    Make sure mosquitos can’t get their fix and cover your skin with long, loose fitted clothing. Apply insect repellent regularly and avoid wearing perfume or aftershave.

How do you treat West Nile fever?

With no cure, treatment for West Nile fever is designed to alleviate any discomfort caused by more severe symptoms.


DisclaimerMortein does not make any warranty that by using these products you will not contract the diseases referred to in this site. Use Mortein as part of a complete preventative plan and please still take caution. Seek a medical professional for further advice in regards to the above, especially if visiting prone areas.